Written on 18 April 2009
I was reflecting further on the lyrics to It Is Well:
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate/And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
"Has regarded my helpless estate" really stood out to me, because it's so embodies the truth. Although Christ lived and died on this earth way before I was born, He knew MY sins (the ones that have obviously occurred in the past 32 years) even before time began. In other words, Christ didn't only know the sins that had occurred in/up the time of the cross. He knew all sin. He presently knows all sin (because of the resurrection... He is alive now). And not only did He know of my sin, He knew of all the sin that had happened, and was to come. He felt the full wrath of all that sin on the cross. That is truly amazing.
God isn't bound by time like we are. Unlike us, He has the ability to know what is going to happen before it actually occurs.
Two days ago (16 April), I read Genesis 2:20-25 with new eyes. When I read that God caused Adam to go into a deep sleep (2:21), I thought - "my husband* is in a deep sleep." Then reading that God made woman (2:22), and brought her to the man, I thought - "God will bring me to my husband. We both must wait on Him."
Yesterday (17 April), a verse from the Song of Solomon came to mind:
Song of Solomon 2:7 (NIV)
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
until it so desires.
We as women are not to rush this process, even to the point of trying to "force" God with our impatience. (always remember, you can't force Him!)
I think this all came to mind, because a friend of mine is being pursued by a godly man. When I asked her how I can be praying for her, she simply said for patience. As I've been praying for her, I've been asking that she trust in God's timing. That it may seem as thought it's all about the guy's timing (and in a way it is), but that ultimately it is God's timing. If anything happens, then it will at just the right time.
I'm not sure if that is what she meant, but that is how the prayer turned out. And it's funny, because I turned around and prayed the same for myself! :)
*If it is in God's plan for me to be married, then he is alive and kicking (or sleeping) as I type!
I was reflecting further on the lyrics to It Is Well:
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate/And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
"Has regarded my helpless estate" really stood out to me, because it's so embodies the truth. Although Christ lived and died on this earth way before I was born, He knew MY sins (the ones that have obviously occurred in the past 32 years) even before time began. In other words, Christ didn't only know the sins that had occurred in/up the time of the cross. He knew all sin. He presently knows all sin (because of the resurrection... He is alive now). And not only did He know of my sin, He knew of all the sin that had happened, and was to come. He felt the full wrath of all that sin on the cross. That is truly amazing.
God isn't bound by time like we are. Unlike us, He has the ability to know what is going to happen before it actually occurs.
Two days ago (16 April), I read Genesis 2:20-25 with new eyes. When I read that God caused Adam to go into a deep sleep (2:21), I thought - "my husband* is in a deep sleep." Then reading that God made woman (2:22), and brought her to the man, I thought - "God will bring me to my husband. We both must wait on Him."
Yesterday (17 April), a verse from the Song of Solomon came to mind:
Song of Solomon 2:7 (NIV)
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
until it so desires.
We as women are not to rush this process, even to the point of trying to "force" God with our impatience. (always remember, you can't force Him!)
I think this all came to mind, because a friend of mine is being pursued by a godly man. When I asked her how I can be praying for her, she simply said for patience. As I've been praying for her, I've been asking that she trust in God's timing. That it may seem as thought it's all about the guy's timing (and in a way it is), but that ultimately it is God's timing. If anything happens, then it will at just the right time.
I'm not sure if that is what she meant, but that is how the prayer turned out. And it's funny, because I turned around and prayed the same for myself! :)
*If it is in God's plan for me to be married, then he is alive and kicking (or sleeping) as I type!
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