Friday, April 18, 2008

Daily Dose of C.H. Spurgeon

Well, it’s my twice daily dose. This may your monthly dose. Or never-y dose, if you navigate away from this page.

April 18, morning devotional:

“She tied the scarlet cord in the window.” - Joshua 2:21

Rahab depended upon the promise of the spies for her preservation. She saw them as the representatives of the God of Israel. Her faith was simple and firm, but it was very obedient. To tie the scarlet cord in the window was a very trivial act in itself, but she dared not run the risk of omitting it. Come, my soul, isn’t there a lesson here for you? Have you been attentive to all your Lord’s will, even though some of His commands should seem non-essential? Have you observed in His own way the two ordinances of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper? Neglecting these indicates that there is an enormous amount of unloving disobedience in your heart. From now on be blameless in all things, even tying a cord, if that is the command.

This act of Rahab sets forth a yet more solemn lesson. Have I implicitly trusted in the precious blood of Jesus? Have I tied the scarlet cord, as with a Gordian knot in my window, so that my trust can never be removed? Or can I look out towards the Dead Sea of my sins, or the Jerusalem of my hopes, without seeing the blood, and seeing all things in connection with its blessed power? The passerby can see a cord of so conspicuous a color, if it hangs from the window: it will be well for me if my life makes the efficacy of the atonement conspicuous to all onlookers. What is there to be ashamed of? Let human beings or devils stare if they want to; the blood is my boast and my song. My soul, there is One who will see that scarlet cord, even when, from weakness of faith, you cannot see it yourself; Jehovah, the Avenger, will see it and pass over you. Jericho’s walls fell flat: Rahab’s house was on the wall, and yet it stood unmoved; my nature is built into the wall of humanity, and yet when destruction smites the race, I shall be secure. My soul, tie the scarlet cord in the window afresh, and rest in peace.

C.H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Hendrickson Publishers, 1995.

Good reading for today:

God in Nature:

Matthew 23:23-Fidelity:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"to believe is to begin"

Hosea's Wife (Album Version)
I just spoke silence with the seeker next to me
She had a heart with hesitant, halting speech
That turned to mine and asked belligerently
"What do I live for?"

I see the scars of searches everywhere I go
From hearts to wars to literature to radio
There's a question like a shame no one will show
"What do I live for?"

We are Hosea's wife
We are squandering this life
Using people like ladders and words like knives

If we've eyes to see
If we've ears to hear
To find it in our hearts and mouths
The word that saves is near
Shed that shallow skin
Come and live again
Leave all you were before
To believe is to begin

There is truth in little corners of our lives
There are hints of it in songs and children's eyes
It's familiar, like an ancient lullaby
What do I live for?

We are Hosea's wife
We are squandering this life
Using bodies like money and truth like lies


We are more than dust
That means something
That means something
We are more than just
Blood and emotions
Inklings and notions
Atoms on oceans

Copyright Brooke Fraser

Go here for the video:

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Amazing Grace Indeed

Once Was Lost / Now Am Found


The weight of the world on two shoulders.

Storms never ceasing.
Utterly defenseless, barely standing.


Does it really have to be this way?
Fighting; in the keeping…can’t just give it away.

Two shoulders continue to drown.


What is this…

What is this…

Something above and beyond…
this world.

What is this faith…
people speak of…
people die for?

There must be more.
There must be hope.

What else belongs in this hole
that never seems to fill?


The Cross

True Love
The Greatest Cost

He sent His Son for me?
He gave His life for me?

A stone unturned.
The truth revealed.

The weight of my sins on His shoulders.
The weight of ALL sin for Him alone to bear.

Burdens lifted.
No longer alone.

A heart,
in Him.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Daily Dose of C.H. Spurgeon

This is an April 3 Evening Devotional of C.H. Spurgeon:

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6

Here is a confession of sin common to all the elect people of God. They have all fallen, and therefore, in common chorus, they all say, from the first who entered heaven to the last who shall enter there, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray." The confession, while thus unanimous, is also special and particular: "Each of us has turned to his own way." There is a peculiar sinfulness about each of us; all of us are sinful, but each of us has some special annoyance not found in the others. It is the mark of genuine repentance that while it naturally associates itself with other penitents, it also takes up a position of loneliness. "Each of us has turned to his own way" is a confession that each person had sinned against light peculiar to himself, or sinned with a vexation which he could not perceive in others. This confession is a giving up of all pleas of self-righteousness. It is the declaration of all human beings who are consciously guilty - guilty with vexations, guilty without excuse: they stand with their weapons of rebellion broken in pieces, and cry, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way." Yet we hear no sorrowful wailings attending this confession of sin being that the next sentence makes it almost a song. "The LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." It is the most grievous sentence of the three, but it overflows with comfort. It is strange that, where misery was concentrated, mercy reigned; where sorrow reached her climax, weary souls find rest. The Savior bruised is the healing of bruised hearts. See how the lowliest penitence gives place to assured confidence through simply gazing at Christ on the cross!

C.H. Spurgeon’s, Morning and Evening, Henridckson Publishers, Copyright 1995.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Play on Playa / Why 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye'

Interestingly (is that a word?) I've had conversations with two people about how they have been 'played' recently. Both instances are eerily similar, even though the situations are pretty different.

(names have been changed to protect their identity, from the 3 people who read my blog!)

Ex. 1: Ruby was told by a friend (hereafter referred to as Typical) she liked that he liked her. It was awkward for awhile, but then they finally talked about it, even went on a couple of dates. Then all of sudden, out of nowhere, Typical seemingly changed his mind. Did he tell her that he had changed his mind? Nope, he just decided to break a date, then be awkward all over again.

Now here is the question. Why couldn't Typical just tell her, 'hey, I've changed my mind, let's just be friends.' He has seriously made her lose her belief that any man is worth being with.

(now there is where I attempt to dive into his mind..)

Maybe Typical doesn't know what he wants from/with her or anybody. Maybe he doesn't care. Quite possibly he just enjoyed the attention. After all she's funny, successful, and smart. Well, maybe he was just intimidated.. could possibly be that. Ruby has an amazing job, which would be seen as 'above' his job (even though I promise you, she doesn't care about that).

Ugh, on to...

Ex. 2: Lori was hanging out with friends, and there was a new person (hereafter referred to as NKOTB) to the group. Mutual friends told her that NKOTB liked her. Lori wants to give NKOTB a chance, but is tired of having to pursue. She wants to be pursued. NKOTB acted interested around Lori, flirty text messages were flying everywhere. But NKOTB kinda seemed interested in Lori's friend at the same time. Lori, being the kind of person that everyone likes (seriously, she is hilarious and kind), isn't too worried about it, but is ANNOYED! Why does this keep happening!?!

(here we go again..)

Maybe NKOTB just doesn't know why in the world to like ANYBODY. 'Hey, that person is nice, think I'll like her for a minute, but then LOOK, that other person is nice, too! Think I'll like both of them, and just play this game, see who comes to me first.' Cleverly placed (yeah right) MySpace comments ensue. Lori's friend doesn't like these games, either, so NKOTB seems to be out of luck in this situation.

So, here is my segway into 'Kissing Dating Goodbye.' Did you like it? Very clever, I know...

I read the book 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye,' by Joshua Harris a few weeks ago. I had found it on my church's website (or was possibly led to another website, not sure), it had suggestions for books by different categories. The 'Single' category only had 2 books. 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' and 'Boy Meets Girl,' both by Joshua Harris. At first I was skeptical, I've never been much of a dater, so in a sense, I've never kissed dating HELLO. But I went ahead and ordered it from Amazon.

Oh how I loved this book. Some of my friends (church friends at that) asked me why in the world I would read it. It's for high school kids! Well, I'll tell ya right now, it most certainly is not! Now there are the 'let your parents be part of this relationship' and 'the guy has to ask the dad of the girl he wants to court's permission,' parts; which yes, seem old fashioned - and also not very practical once you leave your hometown. But my question is; why not have your parents involved? As people who most likely know you best in this world (even if you think they don't, believe me, they are paying attention), would it be so wrong to utilyze them in a situation such as 'dating, or courting?' If you don't trust your parents to fulfill this role, a strong Christian couple would work, too. (I want to make clear that the book wants to change the definition of dating, as in not using the 'worldly' usage of dating, so he just changed the name to 'courtship.' I guess you could call it what you like, my church calls it 'Biblical dating').

Anyway, I feel as though I'm getting off track, and I apologize. Harris' best points (at least for me) were that the problem with the world's view of dating are that expectations aren't discussed or even realized. Using my examples from above, both of my friends want to get married and have children. However, in today's worldly definition of dating, that is never to be brought up! That would be the absolute first thing to drive someone away (in most cases, not all). So, two people can go on dating for months or even years and never know the other's expectations. I hesitate to use the term 'wasted time,' because I think you can learn from just about any situation. But wouldn't it be better if a girl who wants to get married and have kids would be able to know that - from the start - the guy felt the same way? It would save a lot of heartache, that's for sure!

And then we get to why people want to date in the first place. Let's say you hear that someone likes you. How does that make you feel? For me, I get extremely uncomfortable, mainly because these guys don't know me at all. Now how can someone like me, if they don't really know me. And I know what some of you will say, 'that's what dating is for!' But if I were to go with the world's definition of dating, then the following would occur:

-I would go on a first date, where we would talk about our likes and dislikes, about our pasts, our families, our friends our jobs, whatever.
-If we got long, more dates would ensue, and emotional intimacy would be felt, even assumed by both parties.
-Let's not even get into physical intimacy, I think we all know how that can occur!
-Either a break up would occur, leaving me broken-hearted, jaded, or whatever. Or I would marry the guy, in which case another question comes up...


I hate to admit that I go through periods of feeling sorry for myself. Why oh why haven't I met the man of my dreams? Why oh why must I sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else have these 'great' relationships, get married, have kids... why why why why why?

I was having one of those episodes a few weeks ago (before I read the book), and then I stopped myself. I asked myself, 'what is your motivation for wanting to get married, Mandi?' Is it because I'm lonely (which I shouldn't be, God is always with me)? Am I jealous of my friends (oops, there I go again, coveting)? Or am I wanting to get married so that my life and marriage can glorify God?

Well duh! Hadn't I just redevoted my life to God? Haven't I asked Him how I can glorify Him, through word or deed? Then, when it comes to the biggest decisions of my life (and yes, I believe that marriage is for life), shouldn't God be the first place I look? That whenever I get married, that relationship should glorify God even more than I could ever do on my own???

Duh duh duh.

So here goes another step on my journey. I will no longer be dating. Not in the sense that everybody means it. I will be serving the Lord. And when He sees fit, He will bring a man into my life who will see that I love God above all. If that man feels moved to, he will pursue me. And, if God wills it, that man will want to marry me. And I will want to marry Him. All for the glory of God. Not so we won't be lonely. Not because we feel it's time to settle down. Not so we can have kids. Just for HIM.

By using the Bible to live every aspect of my life, even with dating/courting/whatever-name-you-want-to-give-it, God will bless me more than if I think I could while attempting this alone. That's the great thing about having God in your life. You never have to do anything alone again. Even if you are 'single.'

Dear Lord - I cast all my cares on you. Especially the biggest one; how is it that I can best glorify YOU. I will attempt to have a servant's heart at all times. I submit to your Supremacy in my life. I pray for your help with my purity. I pray for my single brother's and sister's who are struggling. I pray that Your will be done. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life.
Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

14For this reason I kneel before the Father,
15from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,
17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,
18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:14-21 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Holding On To 'Today'

I am a night owl. Big time. It seems to 'run' in my family. Going to bed before 11 pm is AMAZING to me.

But lately I had the fault (typo, but I'm keeping it... hmmm), I mean thought. Am I hanging on to the day too long? Is the reason that I can be sooo tired, and still stay up until 1 or 2 or 3 am, because I can't shake off the day?

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad." (or better, This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24 NIV) ). The former version of the Psalm I remember singing in church as a child. More like it, I remember the older teenagers singing it, and always wishing I could be up there singing with them.

So yes, praise God for every day. Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him (there's another song, "praise Him praise Him all ye little children, God is love, God is love..."). God created the sun and the moon, day and night (Genesis 1:3). But what about holding on to the day for far too long? Almost to the point where you are attempting to put off the next day? Can this behavior be much like holding on to the past? And not trusting God with the future? (I know, this is getting nit-picky, but bear with me).

Why am I holding on to something that has already passed? Why am I holding on to the day, when it is already over? I should be rejoicing in the fact that the earlier I fall asleep, the 'sooner' a new day begins! Because a new day is a gift from God, and should be treated as such.

Why? Because I'm a fallen being in a fallen world. Because I am Israel, I keep yearning for Egypt; even when God blesses me with so much. I have fear for the future, and trouble trusting God that He will lead me to the land of milk and honey.

Well, this is all a process, right? One big thing my prayer life and new church has given me is a different perspective. And simple thinking/thoughts can lead to trouble, if your eyes aren't focused on Him.

Be intentional with your life, your thoughts. Not paying attention and losing your way can be the easiest thing in the world to do. In fact, it's just what the world wants you to do. Anything that can make you put yourself or others in front of God... that makes the world smile. And who would you rather make happy? The world, or God?

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. [a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."

Jeremiah 29:11-14

Today's Devotional, Ecclesiastes 3:6