Tuesday, December 18, 2007

...and it just keeps happening... God is working on me...

I recently wrote a blog, entitled 'Thoughts at 2 am.' In the last paragraph, I wrote that 'God is speaking to me in many different ways,' then gave examples. Well, it just keeps happening!

Last week I was addressing my Christmas cards, and came upon my former boss. He is going through an undeniably rough time, so I decided to look up a Bible verse to include in his card. Using my Ryrie Study Bible (KJV), I look up 'trust' in the back, and came up with this verse:

"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2."

I thought, 'now this is a great verse to send to someone in his situation.' I liked it so much that I included in a lot of my Christmas cards (not for the one's I had already done, I just wrote Isaiah 12:2 on the envelope).

Now to the point of my story. I receive a daily Christian Women's Devotion by e-mail, and I kid you not, 3 days after I found this verse, it was mentioned in last Saturday's devotional! I cannot tell you how often this happens to me. As stated above, I have other examples on the 2 am blog: http://chasingfireworks.blogspot.com/2007/11/blog-post.html.

I enjoyed the devotional so much, thought I'd copy and paste it below:

Okay, I took out the copy/paste, because I just noticed on their website that you can't do that!
Here is the lnk: http://talk.thelife.com/blogs/experience/devotionalforwomen/2007/12/15/sing-for-joy/

And that's it! I am still working on another one, titled 'If you can't say Amen, say Oh Me.' Stay tuned...

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