Whoa buddy. The Lord has been teaching-teaching-teaching me the past few months on how to trust Him. It's kind of difficult to explain. I have been feeling this urging to trust Him. Not in a flippant way - not in a head-knowledge way, but a heart-knowledge way. To trust Him with every.single.thing. Every single dadgum emotion that flies around in my mind. My very breath. He wants me to TRUST in Him alone.
I specifically asked for this in my Bible study one night, having to apologize for being vague, because I didn't have any specific situation to speak of. I made it a point to say that I wasn't hiding anything. I asked that they would pray that I would BE STILL and continue to learn from Him.
Well, now I have a real situation. One where I need to trust the Lord completely. I am so very grateful to Him for preparing me for this. I have never felt so loved, comforted, and protected in my entire life. I know I could never explain this adequately, but I do know that it is from the Lord. It moves me to tears of gratitude. I am indeed blessed! :)
And it's interesting, because I know it's preparing me for everything else coming up in my life, too. As I wrote above, God is showing me how to trust Him with every aspect of my life. Lately, He has even been so kind as to give me great examples of what to look for in a future husband (Lord Willing) - in how to see the character of Christ in a man with great clarity, and to long for that, just as I long for that great day when I will finally be with Jesus.
Because I know that in order to be able to trust a husband, I need to be able to trust God.
Father, I thank You and praise You for the work you began in me, and are continuing to do in me, and that You will be faithful to do so until I see Your face. I can't believe You love me so much! I don't deserve any good thing, and yet You give me so much! The best of which is knowledge of You. A right relationship with You. I am overwhelmed.
Great sermon from Michael Lawrence - Complaints Along the Way - Number 11-12. The third point has helped me when I pray, using Moses as the example.
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