Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Maybe one day we'll stop passing each other

Maybe one day we'll stop passing each other
You see, I'm not so good at relationships
So I will probably seem disinterested
I'm banking on God's Sovereignty.

That way, I can't mess it up
Praying for you...
Trusting in Him...
Waiting on Heaven.


Ah yes, I'm ramblin' again. I thought of this last night as I was drifting off to sleep. If I ever get married, then the guy is alive right now. However, I'm SO not good at relationships. I've discovered that I immediately go to the default of "so-and-so would never want to hang out with me" (this applies to everyone, not just the opposite sex). Really weird, and I'm not sure where that comes from, but there you have it. And occassionally I will get extra attention from a guy, then later feel as though I should have been more open - dare I say flirty, even. Ridiculousness all around, because a) um, I'm so not flirty and b) who's to say the guy is interested, anyway. But still, I sometimes worry about how I come across.

It is then that I have to remind myself of the Sovereignty of God. I can't mess this up! (well, barring any colossal, awful sin that would mar my witness or hurt the person deeply). So, it's okay if I don't flirt much, or am too quiet. Whoever God has chosen for me will lead that man to me - flaws and all.

Psalm 94:19 (KJV)

In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.


Check out this post from a blog I randomly found:

Affection for God's Motley Crew.


The picture above popped up when I google imaged "mess it up."

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