Monday, August 18, 2008

gumby-like : entrusted with a heart

Just call me Stretchy McStretcherson. Yes, I'm a dork, but I own it.

Anyway, I had a great conversation with my dear friend Abbie last week. Actually it was more of a counseling session. I needed advice about something that, to tell you the truth, I'm still not sure how to handle. She was very encouraging, as she always is, and told me this: 'God is stretching you.'

Yes indeed, God is stretching me; and I mean yowza-stretching me. Not to go into to much detail, but this situation has definitely taken me out of myself. I really have to consider someone else's feelings in such a way --- I don't know --- I am absolutely dumbfounded at the level/many-levels that engulf this situation. And it has nothing to do with me! Although I will say, it is affecting me. I've been praying about that big time.

Another thing Abbie said, which was extra sweet, is that 'God entrusts you with so many people's hearts.' Now, I feel as though He entrusts EVERYONE with EVERYBODY'S hearts, but that statement helped me realize the magnitude of this thing He's entrusted me with. And how I should look at situations with everyone that I know or come in contact with. Entrusted with a heart. Have you ever thought of it that way? Thought of life that way, I mean? That is a beautiful thing.


Quiet Time.

Almost a month to this day I wrote about my quiet times. In that post, I stated that I will be posting about those more often. Well, in case you haven't noticed, that was the first and only post of that type. I feel as though I have to confess it here on the world-wide-web: my quiet times have taken a hit. Big time. And I could blame it on my moving to a new place, and having been just plain exhausted. But there is no excuse. I have been convicted of my need to read the Word every day, and that just hasn't been happening as regularly as it should be.

So I apologize for that, and will be getting back on track, ASAP!


Being a Chooser ~ Philippians 3:20-21 ~ Making Wise Choices

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