Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happiness is a decision

Here we go again, night owl Mandi. It's the last night I can do it before going back to DC, so I might as well take advantage (even though I'm exhausted from NYE, but that Boise State/OU game sure did wake me up!).

So, it sure is interesting how much you learn if you just shut up and observe people. NYE was such an interesting experience, very much more than any other. I saw people who were sad to be single, I had a guy follow me around like a puppy for no good reason (well, I guess he THOUGHT there was a good reason, but ha ha, he was wrong), and I guess everything I observed just reinforced my change in perception on relationships. Well, in the past year, I've had little things to point me in the right direction as far as how I need to 'choose' guys, to not get wrapped up in situations which aren't even good enough for me in the first place.

It really is true that the grass is greener on the other side. We are always envious of what other's have, and many of us never take the time to just stop and appreciate what we have. I find that it's a lot easier to feel sorry for the things that go wrong in your life, than to appreciate the things that go right in your life. Seems like human nature, to focus more on the bad than the good. It's all around us, in the media (both in politics and popular culture), everything bad gets the most attention.

So, just read the title of this blog. HAPPINESS IS A DECISION. You know whose fault it is if you dwell on only bad things? Yours. You know whose fault it is if you let people continue to take advantage of you? Yours. Pretty simple, if you ask me. It is just stupid to blame others for what is wrong in your life. You alone have the power to change the things that are bad for you, and to make changes for the better.

I think the solution is to just CHOOSE to be happy. Make the decision, and stick to it. Then follow through with it by make the right choices, to break those bad habits. Just stop it already! That's what I keep telling myself, over and over again. That guy took you for granted, because YOU LET HIM. That friend treated you like crap, because YOU LET HER.

So there you have it, maybe this could be considered a New Years resolution. I've never really done the whole resolution thing, but I think this could possibly be an easy one to follow.