I almost didn't post anything about this, because I'm trying to be positive about things, but this just really bothers me. So, instead of voicing my own concerns (which I probably wouldn't do very effectively - I would rather pray about it than complain about it), I am posting links to what others have to say:
Al Mohler, The Floodgate is Now Open -- President Obama and the Vulnerable Embryo.
Quote: "The vulnerable human embryo is now at greater risk than ever before. And this, inevitably, means that every single human life is devalued by this decision."

Two articles I found linked on theologica:
First Things, Stem Cells: A Political History.
Quote: "Perhaps the recipe looks like this: Take the always-present human hunger for magic—for medicine as a kind of witchcraft, delivering thaumaturgical cures. Add the vague sense, shared by most people, that ever since the discovery of DNA’s double helix in 1953 we have been living in something like a golden age of biology. Include the strong sense, among political liberals, that religious believers must be discredited before they undo the abortion license. Now, wrap the whole thing up in money, the competition for trillions of dollars in research grants and the biotech companies’ stock dividends."

The Weekly Standard, Perpetuating a Needless Stem-Cell War.
Quote: "President Obama today fulfilled his campaign promise to lift federal-funding restrictions on research involving the destruction of human embryos. He couldn't have done so at a more inappropriate time, for just last week scientists made headlines again announcing yet another breakthrough in what is known as "induced pluripotent stem-cell" technology. Following up on the initial breakthrough in November 2007 that allowed scientists to produce the biological equivalent of embryonic stem cells without creating, using, or destroying any human embryos, scientists have continued to refine their methods. Last week's announcement was the latest in a long string of developments. If Obama truly wants to find honorable compromises that the entire nation can accept in good conscience and even endorse, he should be promoting these alternative sources."
Here are some Notes on Early Human Development, for your instructional pleasure.
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