Tuesday, September 16, 2008

my heart as of late

God is quick to comfort; sometimes we just need a little patience. ;)

I received this from 'Of First Importance' today:

He loves you as you are

“There never was one who came to him with a broken heart, but he healed him. He never said to one, “You are too bad for me to heal;” but he did say, “Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” My dear hearer, he will not cast you out. You say, “You do not know me, Mr. Spurgeon.” No, I do not; and you have come here to-night, and you hardly know why you are here; only you are very low and very sad.

The Lord Jesus Christ loves such as you are, you poor, desponding, doubting, desolate, disconsolate one. Daughters of sorrow, sons of grief, look ye here! Jesus Christ has gone on healing broken hearts for thousands of years, and he is well up in the business. He understands it by experience, as well as by education. He is “mighty to save.” Consider him; consider him; and the Lord grant you grace to come and trust him even now!”

- Charles Spurgeon, Christ’s Hospital

This led to a link to the full sermon, click here to read it in full. Below is an excerpt:

The church of God is never so well built up as when it is built up with men of broken hearts. I have prayed to God in secret many a time, of late, that he would be pleased to gather out from among us a people who have a deep experience, who should know the guilt of sin, who should be broken and ground to powder under a sense of their own inability and unworthiness; for I am persuaded that, without a deep experience of sin, there is seldom much belief in the doctrine of grace, and not much enthusiasm in praising the Saviour's name. The church needs to be built up with men who have been pulled down. Unless we know in our hearts our need of a Saviour, we shall never be worth much in preaching him. That preacher who has never been converted, what can he say about it? And he who has never been in the dungeon, who has never been in the abyss, who has never felt as if he were cast out from the sight of God, how can he comfort many who are outcasts, and who are bound with the fetters of despair? May the Lord break many hearts, and then bind them up, that with them he may build up the church, and inhabit it!


I found commentary by Matthew Henry on the verses from my quiet time a few days ago. Click here to read.


I have rejoiced in my 'brokeness' for a long time. However, God keeps revealing to me just what that means - and in doing so, continually shows me His character, how MORE and MORE I can trust Him, that His patience is never-ending.

God is so faithful when we read His Word - I am amazed every day! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God is our great comforter and I always hold fast to that promise that is revealed to me more and more every day. He also mends this broken person daily and is patient beyond my own understanding.